Enables real-time, bidirectional communication between the client and server.
Handles user authentication and authorization. Examples include OAuth, Firebase Authentication, Auth0.
Manages the sending and receiving of messages. Examples include Twilio, SendBird, Pusher.
Sends push notifications to users. Examples include Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), OneSignal.
Interacts with the database to store and retrieve chat messages, user data, etc. Examples include Firebase Firestore, MongoDB, PostgreSQL.
Manages the upload, storage, and retrieval of files (e.g., images, documents). Examples include Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage.
Tracks and displays online/offline status of users. Examples include PubNub, Pusher Presence.
Indicates when a user is typing. Examples include PubNub, Stream Chat.
Facilitates searching through messages and users. Examples include Elasticsearch, Algolia.
Handles transactions and payments (if your chat app includes in-app purchases or premium features). Examples include Stripe, PayPal.
Enables voice and video calling functionalities. Examples include Twilio, Agora, Daily.co.
Implements features like chatbots, sentiment analysis, language translation. Examples include OpenAI, Google Cloud AI, IBM Watson.
Logs activities and monitors the performance of your application. Examples include Datadog, Sentry, Loggly.
Retrieves and uses geographic locations of users. Examples include Google Maps API, Mapbox.
Tracks user interactions and provides insights. Examples include Google Analytics, Mixpanel.
Ensures secure communication by encrypting data. Examples include OpenSSL, AWS Key Management Service (KMS).

  • WebSocket API
  • Authentication API
  • Messaging API
  • Notification API
  • Database API
  • File Storage API
  • User Presence API
  • Typing Indicator API
  • Search API
  • Payment API
  • Video/Voice Call API
  • AI/ML APIs
  • Logging and Monitoring API
  • Geolocation API
  • Analytics API
  • Encryption API