Mart Distibution 360

Mart Distibution 360

Point of sale
Offer Discounts
Credit sales
View invoices and manage it
Separate Pos for return items
Offer Discounts
Assign multiple roles
Add items and manage it
Upload items through CSV
Add stock and pending stock
Add categories
Report for expired stock
Out of stock alert notification
Stock reports
Sales report
Return report
User profile
Add supplier and manage it
Supplier payments
Add banks
Add Cheque and manage it
Add Deposits and manage it
Bank book
Create and Return purchases and manage it
Wholes POS for retailers
Create Brands, Brand sector, Units, Regions ,Town, Store locations and manage it
Customer and supplier ledger
Chart of accounts
Journal voucher and opening balance
General Journal, Income statement, Trail Balance, Ledger account
Add requested items
Add Users and manage it
Printer settings
Top Customer report
Top Salesman report
Brands report
sections report
Store wise report
SKU wise report
Return report
Bank Collection
Directly add to stock from purchase
Directly reduce to stock from purchase return
Purchase Order
Multi Store
Account holder opening balances
Bank expense
Debit Voucher
Add Services for other incomes
Service base sales receipt
Dynamic Taxes
Advance sales, Purchases , taxes reports
Upload Stock
Edit receipts